10 May 2010

Relationships vs Singledom.

As long as I can remember I have always been in a relationship. It's just the way it has turned out. I always said I wanted to stay single when I split from ex after ex after ex but it just didn't really work out like that. Now I am single and the whole dating game baffles me.

Earlier I was speaking to a friend about relationships vs singledom and she made the comment of how she finds dating harder than when she was in a relationship.
Personally I think there are pros and cons to both.

With the dating scene I definitely feel like I have to be on top form 99% of the time (the 1% allows the guy to see that you are still human and have slip ups!)
This means always looking immaculate, choosing the right things to say; instead of useless, irrelevant things and saying the wrong thing that either,

a) makes me look stupid 
b) offends someone
c) wasn't needed to be said.

Then there is the dilemma of whether you go dutch on bills or expect him to pay or worst still does he expect you to pay?

Do you give him a kiss at the end of the night? Does he want a kiss at the end of the night? Do you want to give him a kiss at the end of the night?

All this being said, learning about someone new, having that little rush of excitement inside as someone likes you and the not knowing what is to come, leaves you buzzing.

Then there is the relationship.

At least in a relationship you know where you both stand and you can drop the standards slightly as your boyfriend will know what you look like with messy hair and no make up and tatty clothes and not care because he is with you for you. You can talk about who is paying and your little comments that in the past would have done either a,b or c just makes him think you're cute. At the end of the night you also know that the last thing you want from him is to be kissed and to give him a kiss.

All this being said I wouldn't even know how to approach a guy anymore to get a date in the first place. Taking this all into consideration, I think my dating woes can happily sit there in the back of my mind. I'll just sit back and enjoy the single life for the time being and if I get approached by someone who is worth my questions and my 99% form then I'll take it as it comes.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousMay 11, 2010

    Interesting to get a girl's prospective on the subject...

    When I came out of a long term relationship I was absolutely clueless about dating etiquette. The biggest problem I had was knowing when to go for a kiss.... This usually resulted in me in not kissing a date until they pretty much straight out asked me to.

    George x
