14 May 2010

The Facebook Dilema...

I’ve always dreamt of Mr Right and when I went to University I thought I found him. After three years of what I thought could be the rest of my life, I got dumped and Facebook stalking commenced!
This may make me sound possessive, insane and totally unstable but you can’t tell me I’m the only woman that does this.

My three reasons of Facebook stalking an ex:
  1. Knowing his every move
  2. Wondering if he is missing you as much as you do him
  3. Seeing if there is a new girl in his life
In the many months after my heartbreak I found I was constantly refreshing the news feed and clicking on his profile link, what made me think that it would change in five minutes I don’t know! He hardly went on Facebook when we were together!

Why we women have the Facebook stalking urge baffles me. It just ends in further misery, as what we’re searching for is signs of him moving on.

There’s the innocent photograph (that us, as the broken hearted ex likes to conjure the worst story possible in our heads) of him and another girl you haven’t ever met in the three years you were together which means she MUST be someone new in his life. Then there is the new girl he “friend” added into his social life that you hope when you click on her link she has no privacy settings what so ever so you can start to Facebook stalk her if they get too friendly! 

I used to log in and out of Facebook chat to see if he was online. If he wasn’t then I either told myself it was because he;
Had a life other than me/he’s dating again/he’s not miserable like me.
(Delete, as you feel appropriate).

If he was online it was a whole different story! I would sit at my laptop my heart in the pit of my stomach contemplating what I would say if he spoke to me (which I knew full well he wouldn’t) and then arguing with myself as to whether he should speak to me first or if I should just bite the bullet and risk getting ignored when I said that simple word of “hi”.

All I’m trying to say is your not alone. You’re technically not;
Insane/possessive/totally unstable.
(Again delete, as you feel appropriate).

I like to think it is just our odd feminine ways to get over our ex and possibly see they’re not all we thought them to be and that if they can move on so can we.

It’s not the end of the world, I like to think I have many more guys to add to my,
“I’ve stalked you” list to go yet! Jokes. 

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