13 June 2010

A dangerous drive. New way to find a date?

I got my new car about a month ago now and not even 24 hours of having it I nearly sent a guy flying off his bike, (by bike I mean push bike).

I would however, like to blame the car that was slowly creeping out of the inside lane on the roundabout which resulted in my view being blocked. As you do though, I began to follow the other car out, followed the car a bit too much, as out of no where a guy comes flying round the roundabout swerves to just miss the rear end of my car to come in quite close contact with the pavement!

In such a fluster I abandoned my car and went running to his side only to get graced with "Fuck off" which I guess was half deserved! Later once he'd calmed down and I was in a stupid amount of shock we got talking (well, he did to try and calm me down) and I found out that he'd moved to Peterborough and doesn't particularly like it, where he worked, what his name was and a little show off detail, "I'm a pro biker so that's why I'm fine."
Whilst chatting I must of slipped in a few facts about myself due to my shock, as I recall saying it was my last day at my job and they were all probably thinking I just couldn't be bothered to turn up for my last day!

Well panic over, so I thought, he put me in my car and asked me for a pen, at this point I asked if he would like my insurance details to which he replied "no" (he was quite a gentleman to be fair) instead he gave me his email address for work and told me to send him an email when I got to work otherwise he would worry because of the amount of shock I had seemed to of developed.

This left me laughing in a reply of, "I nearly hit you but your the one checking up on me" and then off he went on his bike and off to work I went.

I did think it was a bit odd having his email address and a bit worried he may later want my insurance details. There would be me the ex student skint as anything working a temp job to get out that stupid overdraft forking further into it for a "near miss". Me being me however, (not rude, has a guilty conscious) I put my keyboard to work and sent him an email in which I thanked him for his concern and apologised for my stupidity as well as notifying him I'd made it to work. This all consisted of around four lines.

About half an hour later I received an email back from bike man consisting of three paragraphs! He told me of his injury but said he was made of steel. He then went on to make me feel better (well this is what his aim was) by telling me of accidents he had been part of where he actually was hit. To conclude his email he again told me he was built for endurance and then said how; "once he had calmed down, to have a near miss with what turned out to be a beautiful woman was actually a good thing in his day."
Did I email him back? I'm afraid I didn't.

1. I'm not too sure on whether the email would of led to a date of some sort in which case how do you act around a guy you could of potentially killed?
2. If we were to date and it ended badly would he then want my insurance details?
3. I just don't think he was my type. (In fact I know, I couldn't remember what he looked like so with the name off the email I tracked him down via Facebook, as you do, and checked him out!)

Sorry Mr Bike man if you read this. You were a gentleman, just not mine.

25 May 2010

Small world or are do you just "know everyone" ?

I was seeing this guy a few months and all the time there was this one girl on Facebook who always had to comment on his status, like his status, comment on his wall or whatever else there was left for her to do. At the time I thought it was just an obsession with him (because yeah ok give it to him he was pretty damn tasty!) 

Recently though I've had a few guys add me from Peterborough and as you do, you browse on their profile have a ganders see if they're a total player (which yes they all are) and then just see what they're all about. 
One thing I did learn about them all is they all have this girl in common and guess what!? She also likes all their status' and comments like there is no tomorrow!

Yes I'm having a bitch about some girl I've never met but I just wonder if she has anything better to do with her life? She obviously doesn't have a boyfriend otherwise she wouldn't be putting herself out there through social networking because personally from being up so many guys arses like that (this is not literal) she must just need a good seeing to?

I'm fed up of seeing her name and profile picture everywhere with her agreeing comments and liking hands! Does she not have any self respect?

So please someone sort her out so then if I was to ever bump into her somewhere I don't end up gauging my eyes out from seeing her so much previously!

18 May 2010

I'm Outing You All... Well you ones "In a Relationship"

Since being single you wouldn't believe some of the guys that have come out of the wood works!

I wouldn't laugh so hard if they were single and worthy of a text or Facebook message but when I get a message pop up in my inbox of, 
"You are looking good these days" (oh great so you saying I looked like my arse before?) you kinda can't help but laugh when you click on the link to their profile and their relationship status equals, "In a relationship with..."

This leaves me thinking, "I'm sure you wouldn't be any longer if I forwarded this email to her!"

Do guys have a problem of keeping their dick in their trousers for more than five minutes?

I do wonder if I said to them, 
"yeah ok I'll meet you for some "fun" "
whether they would end up running a mile never to be heard from again!

The conversation that most intrigued me was from a boy I used to go to school with. 
I remember having a crush on him in year 8 and in the end we became pretty good friends until sixth form. 
Anyway he's being going out with the same girl for around six years now and after seeing him out one day he spoke to me on Facebook chat. 
At first I thought it was all innocent, just a general catch up, until he asked me if I was looking for "fun" (that word again). 
So as you do, I reminded HIM that he had a girlfriend and wouldn't she disagree with his "fun" - his explanation being;
"I haven't been with anyone else, I just want to make sure I'm with the right person." 
Great way to decide mate, I'm sure she would agree when you tell her this is the reason you want to spend the rest of your life with her. - (because the other girl just wasn't good in bed - which I like to state this is not true!)
After all this lovely chat I had with him (not) and I had rejected him (poor boy still only had one shag) he asked me not to breathe a word (yeah thought I'd just publish it here) and then had the cheek to delete me off his friends list!!

14 May 2010

The Facebook Dilema...

I’ve always dreamt of Mr Right and when I went to University I thought I found him. After three years of what I thought could be the rest of my life, I got dumped and Facebook stalking commenced!
This may make me sound possessive, insane and totally unstable but you can’t tell me I’m the only woman that does this.

My three reasons of Facebook stalking an ex:
  1. Knowing his every move
  2. Wondering if he is missing you as much as you do him
  3. Seeing if there is a new girl in his life
In the many months after my heartbreak I found I was constantly refreshing the news feed and clicking on his profile link, what made me think that it would change in five minutes I don’t know! He hardly went on Facebook when we were together!

Why we women have the Facebook stalking urge baffles me. It just ends in further misery, as what we’re searching for is signs of him moving on.

There’s the innocent photograph (that us, as the broken hearted ex likes to conjure the worst story possible in our heads) of him and another girl you haven’t ever met in the three years you were together which means she MUST be someone new in his life. Then there is the new girl he “friend” added into his social life that you hope when you click on her link she has no privacy settings what so ever so you can start to Facebook stalk her if they get too friendly! 

I used to log in and out of Facebook chat to see if he was online. If he wasn’t then I either told myself it was because he;
Had a life other than me/he’s dating again/he’s not miserable like me.
(Delete, as you feel appropriate).

If he was online it was a whole different story! I would sit at my laptop my heart in the pit of my stomach contemplating what I would say if he spoke to me (which I knew full well he wouldn’t) and then arguing with myself as to whether he should speak to me first or if I should just bite the bullet and risk getting ignored when I said that simple word of “hi”.

All I’m trying to say is your not alone. You’re technically not;
Insane/possessive/totally unstable.
(Again delete, as you feel appropriate).

I like to think it is just our odd feminine ways to get over our ex and possibly see they’re not all we thought them to be and that if they can move on so can we.

It’s not the end of the world, I like to think I have many more guys to add to my,
“I’ve stalked you” list to go yet! Jokes. 

10 May 2010

Relationships vs Singledom.

As long as I can remember I have always been in a relationship. It's just the way it has turned out. I always said I wanted to stay single when I split from ex after ex after ex but it just didn't really work out like that. Now I am single and the whole dating game baffles me.

Earlier I was speaking to a friend about relationships vs singledom and she made the comment of how she finds dating harder than when she was in a relationship.
Personally I think there are pros and cons to both.

With the dating scene I definitely feel like I have to be on top form 99% of the time (the 1% allows the guy to see that you are still human and have slip ups!)
This means always looking immaculate, choosing the right things to say; instead of useless, irrelevant things and saying the wrong thing that either,

a) makes me look stupid 
b) offends someone
c) wasn't needed to be said.

Then there is the dilemma of whether you go dutch on bills or expect him to pay or worst still does he expect you to pay?

Do you give him a kiss at the end of the night? Does he want a kiss at the end of the night? Do you want to give him a kiss at the end of the night?

All this being said, learning about someone new, having that little rush of excitement inside as someone likes you and the not knowing what is to come, leaves you buzzing.

Then there is the relationship.

At least in a relationship you know where you both stand and you can drop the standards slightly as your boyfriend will know what you look like with messy hair and no make up and tatty clothes and not care because he is with you for you. You can talk about who is paying and your little comments that in the past would have done either a,b or c just makes him think you're cute. At the end of the night you also know that the last thing you want from him is to be kissed and to give him a kiss.

All this being said I wouldn't even know how to approach a guy anymore to get a date in the first place. Taking this all into consideration, I think my dating woes can happily sit there in the back of my mind. I'll just sit back and enjoy the single life for the time being and if I get approached by someone who is worth my questions and my 99% form then I'll take it as it comes.

08 May 2010

Is Romance Dead or Just Dead in my World?

I feel this question is always being asked in the 21st Century and I don't know if it's because we never seem to make time for it anymore, people can't be bothered with the effort as they feel they don't need that added spark in the relationship or just generally we don't know how to be romantic.

Whatever it is, I think it needs to be brought back full throttle and I'm not just talking about men needing to pull out their romantic side, us women need to as well! 

I mean don't get me wrong, I've been romanced with the whole candles and dinner cooked for me and little presents brought here and there but after what we all like to call "the honeymoon period" it tends to only come around on occasions like, Valentines Day and Birthdays and the same romantic gesture tends to always be present. What happened to element of surprise? Or being impulsive? 

I like to think I've been a bit better on the uptake of romance in the past by taking partners away or by arranging little romantic gestures I know they would appreciate.

It just frustrates me when films promote romance like it still happens frequently and as amazingly as its shown on screen, if anything its far from it. Either that or I haven't found "Mr Perfect" who wants to continuously sweep me off my feet like I do them, instead of watching the football or drinking with his friends.

I do however have a bit of faith left thanks to my friend telling me yesterday how her boyfriend had brought her a dress (would like to point out Topshop) and flowers and no it wasn't her Birthday nor any other occasion or their "Honeymoon period". Just pure love for her.

Jealous much... Only a tad....