Sat across the room at my friends from this amazingly hot guy and I realise he is staring back at me. I feel all my christmas' have come at once! Who ever thought I would get someone interested in me who looks like they've stepped out of a model catalogue.
Heading to town we start speaking he asks me the question of; "are you single?" My reply, "yes".
Gaping at him I obviously ask the same question back, getting the reply I was hoping for.
The only catch I later find out is that he has only been out of a long term relationship for 5 minutes, this was actually the first time he'd been out since their split.
After a couple hours of flirting and me trying to appear disinterested, he disapeared only to not be seen again.
Good old facebook, inbox, 1 message.
Oh look its the guy apologising about his disappearance but also telling me his interest and giving me his number.
I pondered a reply, I debated taking his number, I mean he'd just come out of a relationship, did I really want to be his rebound despite how hot he looked? - I went with no.
Couple of days later there I am sat on facebook and he pings me.
"Hi did you get my number?" (I had obviously not text him)
"Why haven't you used it?"
"Donno" (all the while thinking rebound rebound but thinking so bloody hot! Why wouldn't you!)
It resulted in me getting a guilty conscious and handing over my number.
Well I'd say it was a good month of excuses and texts between us, as well as some same place same time drunken chats and his friend and mine saying give the guy a chance (again still had rebound engraved in the back on my mind) before we went on our first date.
All went well, great first date (obviously because I planned it) but what guy wouldn't be impressed with getting to play fifa at the end of their first date.
I'd like to say I totally kicked his ass but this wasn't so. I did however on Mario Kart! I'm not a total damsel in distress!
We kept meeting up and hanging out obviously we shared more than just your standard chat and the whole rebound flag in my head had been completly burnt and not thought about again.
Amazement even struck with him when a shopping trip occured and he was allowed to take charge. There was I playing coat hanger outside the changing room offering the "ooos" and "ahhhs" and "that looks good", instead of him (yes guys I'm pretty spectacular!)
I guess I should of clicked it wasn't going to last when his dad asked if I was a dental nurse! In which I had to reply no and thought to myself my job isn't even close to that.
Me being me I swept it under the carpet didn't even ask questions to the guy about it and proceeded.
As they say, how the new year starts it will probably follow through the year.
Well mine started with a quiet front from the guy which proceeded even quieter around my birthday.
I did receive a birthday text but no birthday appearance. This is when I knew it was getting called a day.
"Too much too soon."
His response when he finally broached the subject a few days later.
Since it came to an end I have found out in the month he was texting me to try to convince me otherwise he was seeing someone else that, I managed to accumalate as a bit of a pass through stalker. She played the 20 questions game with a friend of mine and apparently was pretty happy to find out I'd not been successful in keeping him around either.
I like to think I wasn't another girl on his list and that he was "into me" but that I will never know. Saying that, I do understand the whole "just come out of a relationship" as we have all been there. - His real motive I will never know.
If there is anything I would recommend to others and note to myself for future reference, I would advise the following:
1. Rebound flag leave it up
2. When their dad/family member asks if you are a dental nurse and your not, or anything close to, maybe alarm bells should start ringing!
3. In future make sure they're out of a relationship for at least 8 months as this is a substantial amount of time for them to possibly not use the relationship card as a get out clause.
Or maybe... He's just not that into you! In this case... Me!
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